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the wellness hub team ~ elise



QUALIFICATIONS Certified Practitioner of Mat Pilates (Polestar Australia) Pilates Alliance Australasia Member BA Nursing (University of Technology, Sydney)


→ Mat Pilates Class


Every Thursday at 6.15am & 7.15am

20 July -  21 September



Casual class pass $20

Flexi 5 class pass $90

Term pass $150


Elise discovered Pilates as a teen and continued practising throughout her 20’s as her love for people and health led her down the path to become a Registered Nurse. In 2020, Elise ramped up her pilates practise between shifts and life with small children to find some calm and control in what was a chaotic year for many. She decided this was the time to turn from student to teacher and began her teacher training with Polestar Pilates, choosing them for their holistic and science-based approach. 


Elise moved to the beautiful NSW South Coast in 2021 and teaches mat pilates classes in Gerringong and Berry. Elise believes everyone can benefit from Pilates and strives to provide balanced and fun classes that focus on breath work, spinal mobility, body awareness and alignment. 


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